FACT: Soft tissue injuries (WAD) are often permanent and severe.
Reliable medical research has proven that:
Neck sprain/strain is listed as the predominant injury in 28% of people treated in ER after MVA. (Seroussi)
-50% of whiplash injuries don’t ever recover, i.e. are permanent. (Carroll, Sterling, Elliott)
-30% remain moderately to severely disabled.
Source: North American Spine Society (Whiplash and Whiplash-Associated Disorders)
www.knowyourback.org says:
-One-third of all whiplash injuries do not recover, i.e. are permanent.
-10% end up with “constant severe pain”.
Another study reports that 42% of WAD patients become chronic. (Elliott, Characterization of Acute and Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders.)
The anatomy of soft tissue injuries.
Basic Terminology:
-WAD-Whiplash Associated Disorder
-CAD-Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration Injury
-LWAD-Lumbar Whiplash Injury
“Soft tissue injuries” include the following:
- Muscle (myofascial) injuries (strains);
- Nerve injuries;
- Ligamentous injuries (sprains);
- Facet Joint Injuries;
- Intervertebral disc injuries (herniations, protrusions, extrusions).
- Psychological injuries.
The term “soft tissue injuries” does not include bony fractures.