NECK & BACK INJURIES from car accidents often produce long-lasting chronic pain that stems from injury to the facet joints of the spine. Often, when other treatments have failed, a procedure called RADIOFREQUENCY NEUROTOMY (RFN), also sometimes called radiofrequency ablation or rhizotomy, can be used to provide pain relief.
Facet joint injuries have been identified as the cause of chronic neck and back pain in over 60% of the cases where the pain follows a traumatic event such as a car accident or workplace trauma.
The RFN procedure involves using a radiofrequency wave to heat up the medial branch nerve in the facet joint and essentially disable its ability to transmit pain messages to the brain.
The simple truth regarding RFNs is this:
-RFNs are accepted as conventional treatment for chronic neck and back pain at the Mayo Clinic.
-RFNs are accepted as conventional treatment for chronic neck and back pain at the University of Minnesota, CDI, MAPS, the Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology, the Noran Clinic and many respected medical institutions.
-RFNs are accepted as conventional treatment for chronic neck and back pain at every single one of the top 5 medical schools in the U.S. That includes Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins,University of California (San Francisco), and University of Pennsylvania.
-An online search of Twin Cities Orthopedics’ website contains a link to research that states that radiofrequency ablations provide pain relief in 80 to 100% of the cases, with 50% providing significant pain relief “for as much as two years.”
-The North American Spine Society, with membership of 8,000 orthopedic surgeon, neuro surgeons, physical medicine specialists and anesthiaologists endorses RFNs as efficacious for treating cases of significant chronic facet joint pain in the neck and back. (See Exhibit I)
The Schmidt Salita Law Team has had experience with over 100 clients that have successfully undergone RFN treatment. They are knowledgeable about the procedure and willing to explain the process.